LW Senior Architect

ipython notebook(2) - Operation

Wu Liu

Introduce the operation when using ipython notebook, besides, record the possible problems I meet and solutions.


ipython notebook

convert ipynb to other format

ipython nbconvert --to FORMAT filename.ipynb

convert the specific file:filename.ipynb to another Format(eg. html(default), pdf, python, markdown), if you succeed, then you can find a same name file with different suffix in the same directory.

Here is an official document:converting to other formats


missing module

ImportError: No module named pygments


sudo pip install pygments

if other modules are missing, the above solution can help solve it too.

convert to python

  • convert to python3


ipython nbconvert --to python filename.ipynb

because I have %matplotlib inline in the ipynb file, then I get a python file with the first line:

get_ipython().magic(u’matplotlib inline’)

This is only supported in python3.*, but mine is python2.7.

  • encoding

When the *.py file include Chinese, poorly, when execute the python file, it shows up a encoding error message.


import python file into ipython notebook
